
What Do Folks Wear? Armours and Such.

  1. On running the first two sessions of WTF Longwinter, I discovered that a detailed equipment and shopping list is useful. Thus, armors and such:

    Light Stuff:

    1. Padded or Crappy Armor (5 silvers), AC: 11 + Dex mod., D Stealth, Cold: 1, Enc: 1, 
    2. Fur Armor (!Divyak) (80 silvers), AC: 11 + Dex mod., Cold: 2, Enc: 1,
    3. Leather Armor (10 silvers), AC: 11 + Dex mod., Cold: 1, Enc: 1,
    4. Long, Cool, Padded Leather Coat (40 silvers), AC: 11 + Dex mod.,  A Looking Like A Cool Customer, Cold: 1, Enc: 1,
    5. Studded Leather Armor (50 silvers), AC: 12 + Dex mod., Cold: 1, Enc: 1,
    6. Tactleneck Full Spider Mesh (!Viladrine) (2000 silvers), AC: 13 + Dex mod., Cold: 1, Enc: 1,
    Medium Stuff:
    1. Hide and Hair Armor (!Divyak) (10 silvers), AC: 12 + Dex mod (max 2), Cold: 2, Enc: 2,
    2. Chain Shirt (100 silvers), AC: 13 + Dex mod (max 2), Cold: 0, Enc: 2,
    3. Breast Plate (600 silvers), AC: 14 + Dex mod (max 2), Cold: 0, Enc: 2,
    4. Half Plate (1000 silvers), AC: 15 + Dex mod (max 2), Str: 13D Stealth, Cold: -1, Enc: 2,
    5. Cermalite Cuirass* (!Viladrine) (4000 silvers), AC: 15 + Dex mod (max 3), Cold: 1, Enc: 1,
    Heavy Stuff:
    1. Chain Mail (300 silvers), AC: 16, Str 13D Stealth, Cold: -1, Enc: 3,
    2. Ironpine Splint Armor (!Divyak) (500 silvers), AC: 17, Str 15D Stealth, Cold: 0, Enc: 3,
    3. Regal Tsarist Plate (1500 silvers), AC: 18, Str 15D Stealth, Cold: -1, Enc: 3,
    4. Walker Shkraet Piston Suit (3000 silvers), AC: 18, Con 13D Stealth, Cold: -1, Enc: 3,
    5. Skyfaller / Deathdealer Suit MkII** (!Viladrine) (10000 silvers), AC: 18, D Stealth, Cold: 1, Enc: 2,
    1. Light Shield (5 silvers), +1 AC, Enc: 1,
    2. Regular Shield (10 silvers), +2 AC, Enc: 2,
    3. Cermalite Shield* (!Viladrine) (500 silvers), +2 AC, Enc: 1,
    Note: all armors impose D to swimming except the Tactleneck Full Spider Mesh.
    *Cermalite gives advantage on saves vs. bullets and energy projectiles.
    **The Suit MkII comes with advanced inbuilt healing magics that heal the user with the life force of other creatures. As an action the user can drain a helpless creature of 1d6 hit points and regain 1 hit point. Every time a 1 is rolled while draining, the suit soul-knitting engine is discharged for the day.

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