
This Person at the Last Trading House is the ...

  1. third licensed silver merchant of the House of the Fourth Leg,
  2. chicken-eating silversmith,
  3. beady-eyed jeweler of the Velvet Sisterhood,
  4. khan supervisor with the big belt buckle and the mirrored eye,
  5. smaller burdenbeast merchant in speckled fur,
  6. glittering tinker artificer and karaoke star,
  7. swaggering artifact merchant with the poncho and the feathered clock,
  8. leather-clad scholar from among the (1: rustuman, 2: petrograd, 3: morjanska, 4: turalia, 5: wolf-folk of the black wood, 6: white canyon),
  9. spy, tailor, sailor and international trader of mystery,
  10. smooth-talking flour-chucking food merchant with a cart of (1: boiled leeches, 2: broiled leeks, 3: grilled lima beans, 4: sautéed lemon-fish, 5: flambéed lobster, 6: fresh linear accelerated-growth lion-strip),
  11. militiaman with the clockwork heart,
  12. churchman of the (1: rustuman leveller, 2: tsarist hierarchist, 3: petrogradist poly-sacralism, 4: kentauri shamanism, 5: shkraeti pragmatism, 6: potnik sweat-lodge vision fatherhood) persuasion with a gilded monocle,
  13. fanatical lay rustuman leveller (1: carpenter, 2: shoemaker, 3: levite, 4: soldier, 5: roundhead, 6: turncoat),
  14. ruin explorer mumbling incoherently and tapping with a metal leg,
  15. scavenger with a wooden pistol and pet (1: cat, 2: rat, 3: clockwork hat, 4: dire rat, 5: animated mat, 6: bat),
  16. moustache-twirling restauranteur and cheese maker,
  17. pleasure mercer with red shoes and a (1: boudoir, 2: synth-sensorium, 3: opium bowl, 4: rolling papers, 5: fine wines, 6: smoked shifter meat),
  18. kentauri fighter swaggering without a care in the world,
  19. friendly and almost discrete agent of the (1: viles, 2: viladrines, 3: moss-fuckers, 4: tree-huggers, 5: vile bastards, 6: deathless doppelgangers),
  20. mysterious stranger known as (1: traveler, 2: walker, 3: jack, 4: jane, 5: loper, 6: stinker).
The Last Trading House is a joint enterprise of the Baron's Bullion Company and the Khanal Silver Company built in the shell of an ancient builder DFG palace (spheroid subtype B) in the Most Canyon.

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